Saturday, March 8, 2025


Justice Delay is justice denied, in India we are having State wise High Courts, citizen approach respective High Courts as per their litigation for securing Justice but when the cases at High Court results into negative orders, and though citizen desire to approach the Supreme Court to test the orders of High Court but due to various reason such as place of Apex Court is at far distance situate at Delhi and citizen are having their legal issue. at Kanyakumari, Kolkata, Chennai, Banglore, and at North East and all the citizens has to travel to Delhi for seeking justice and in the process huge amount of Advocate fees and travelling expenses are involved, so every litigant loose their hope after order of High Court. Hence public Protest is necessary as Article 130 of Constitution of India allow to have 4/6 Supreme Court Benches across our Country. Even 18th Law Commission recommends to have benches at region wise and even Standing Committees of Parliament in 2004/2005/2006 recommends to have such Benches to operate at our Region wise. What prevents Supreme Court Chief Justice, to take Approval of President of India to take the call of the Aggrieved Citizens of Democratic India. No nonsense politics please. Prayer by Ad Anil Bugde, High Court Bombay.

Ad. Anil Bugde
Ad. Anil Bugde
I am Ad. Anil Bugde, Activist Lawyer taking up legal issues concerning larger public interest before the Forum of Public and also before the Court of Law and then mobilizing Human Power Organization to fight against all inhuman and insensitive approach of the mighty people and shady government agencies for the interest of Common Man, and also continuously striving for to see the Rule of Law is existing in the Society.


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