Saturday, March 8, 2025
Homeक्राईम न्यूजCitizen Must Be Allowed To File Complaint Against Public And Public Servant...

Citizen Must Be Allowed To File Complaint Against Public And Public Servant For Disobedience Of Law.

My dear Indian friends, at present we are and our fellow brothers and sisters world vide undergoing severe pain and trauma of Epidemic Corona 19. Every movement we are losing human lives and number of lives which are dependants on the lives which are lost in pandemic are slowly dieing due to economic crunches. Most of the time laws of the land and directives of the Government are not followed as the compliance of the laws is rest with Enforcement Machinery e.g. Police. And we all very well know Choosy action methods of police force Normally action against law breakers who are highly placed in the society are not taken promptly but innocents comon citizen like you and me can be easily crushed by the police. Custodial deaths and deaths on account of police harressment are rampant in India hence Supreme Court taken serious note on such subject and given Directives to all the State in case police does not follow the law and found doing any breach of law in that event Summery punitive action can be taken against them and justice to the deserved one can be seen to be delivered. Recently news of retired Chief Justice of India who allegedly breached the law of Epidemic Disease Act 1897 at Nagpur but Nagpur Police are selectively ignored to take call of the issue. Finally there is no Rule of Law for mighty. Interesting and funny law complaint against breach of pandemic law need to be filed by public servant under section 188 of IPC as we the citizens are restrained to file such complaint against wrongdoers prohibited by section 195 of Crpc. Hence police takes selective action and misuse their Power. We are now strongly Appeal the law of section 195 Code of Criminal Procedure must effect Change and Indian Citizen must be allowed to file Complaint FIR under section 188 of Indian Penal Code. Recently news of Chief Justice of India allegedly breached the law of Epidemic Disease Act 1897 but police are selectively ignored to take call of the issue.Finally there is no Rule of Law for mighty. For public interest by Ad. Anil Bugde.



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