Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Homeक्राईम न्यूजCase of Contempt of Court committed by CEO Bhagayshree Banayat. IAS I...

Case of Contempt of Court committed by CEO Bhagayshree Banayat. IAS I Am Slave, Sai Baba Sansthan along with Home Minister Amit Shah and others?

Central Home Minister Amit Shah. bjp King, disloyal to Congress Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil, disloyal to Congress Harshawardhan Patil, bjp powerless minister Raosaheb Danwe, Chief Excutive Officer IAS I Am Slave Bhagayashri Banayat serving at Sai Baba Sansthan at Shirdi were seen on 18.12.2021 attending Shirdi town and taking Sai Baba Darshan without following Covid 19 mandatory rules of wearing mask and blatantly disobeyed the rules even formulated by the Sai Baba Sansthan, Shirdi all these facts are alredady reported by Indian Press but surprisingly not a single News Agency raised objection of these people not wearing Mask while entering the public religious place endangering the lives of other citizens under the guise of having Home Ministry under their hands. Shamful to the local citizens and devotees who even not even raised the voice at the relvant time at Shirdi Police Station. in fact at the time of offering Darshan by all these politicians local police staion team and office of S.P. Ahmadnagar must have escorted these people to the place of Shirdi Sai Baba Temple but none of them had registered any protest to that effect. We think that in India people are allowing Law Makers and Law Protectors to play with the Constitution of India as per their whims and wishes and allowing them to twist the law as per their dictate. June 2020 news of Chief Justice of India Sharad Bobde was came in light when Justice himself had not used mask and helmet while riding a bike at Nagpur. Judges are already soft corner to criticise but not of this unethical politicians and shady bureaucrats. Public Outcry is already on the street with regards to the unlawful way of administring the functioning of Sai Santhan as public spiritied persons have filed Public Interest Litigation at Aurangabad Bench of the High Court and in the said matter on 14.10.2021 their Lordhship had directed to form Ad Hoc Committee to look after the day to day affairs of the Sai Baba Sansthan and for that purpose High Court appointed Principal District Judge of Ahmadnagar District as the Chair person of the said Committee and till today the Government of Maharashtra had not formulated the complete committee and matter is pending for disposal. Judicial Officer like Principal District Judge is the Chair Person of the Sai Baba Santhan but as per the record Cheif Executive Officer of the Sai Baba Santhan IAS Bhagayshri Banayat it seems committed some MISCONDUCT like she made some taunt against the Judge hence PDJ Judge had lodged complaint to the High Court and then therefore the said IAS Bhagayshree Banayat tendered an apology to the High Court and even stated before the court that ‘she would ensure that such sentence, even inadvertently, would not be used. Public now demands that person like such kind of mental status/misconduct of the IAS Bhagayashree Banayat CEO had came on record and now the very CEO ruthlessly broken the rules of the Sai Santhan and order of the Government that without the mask not a single person or devotee should be entered to take darshan of Sai Baba but the very lady CEO gracefully welcomed these politicians and accompanied them without wearing mask to avail them darshan. Is’nt it a Grave Miscarriage of Justice and serious Derliction of Public Duties committed by said CEO IAS Bhagayashree Banayat and all these Politicians including the Central Home Minister of India Amit Shah. Let these politians be punished according to law. Wake up District Collector Ahmadnagar, Superitendant of Police, Ahmadnagar and Police Officer of Shirdi Police Station to clean up the mess created by these Heavy Weight Politicians and CEO IAS Bhagayshree Banayat. For public interst by Ad. Anil Bugde.



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