Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Legal profession is the noble profession it is what said after independence as during British raj most of the legislations were passed by the British just to rule the nation and exploit humiliate the nationals in order to make you slave forever. After independence we thought lot many changes will take place to see the welfare of downtrodden people with the help of social welfare legislation and Government will be making more stringent laws against wrong doers, but what we have seen our legislature and their bureaucrats drafted various laws in such a way that one can find utmost solution, loop holes to get out of the net of these so called stringent laws.

Today what is witnessing in Maha State politics is that though the Party of Siv Sena is divided by Sheende and defectors and all those Peoples Representatives ran away from this State and taken shelter at some other State place Goohati and due to split in the party, Sena Government comes to minority and then Cm Thakre resigned from the post of Cm and there after the said Sheende claimed and succeeded to get Sena and symbol from the custody of Supremo Thakre and then starts the legal battle. Dispute goes to the court of Highest Court, at Speakers Court and at even Election Office and all the watching authority gives the verdict that everything is ok only Cm has committed emotional so called offence of surrendering his chair, hence earlier Sena Government can not be reinstated back, law will not help him at this interim stage that means the Shady Sheende and his group can enjoy the Power not only for this term but even they can be reelected back by the hands of stupid Compromised Voters again to rule the bloody hapless citizens of this state. There is big issue of the law, as law does not consider emotion, and this law will not give favor to the real truth and honesty which is normally can be seen through naked eyes, as law just wants to see rigid Procedure, indirectly message is simply sent to people of this state just to wait and watch the legal battle of the politics which will be contested for years together in Court Good lawyers are at wrong footings even recently Highest Court Chief Judge even said it is not possible for you that you can get justice in Court. Systematic failure as justice can be tilted as laws are not formulated considering larger public interest.

In Maharashtra you can see Advocates, Public Prosecutors, Police Officers who are Investigative Officers and even some time judiciary are really not striving hard to get justice to the deserving one, whether victim persons can get justice from such rigid laws.

Law Officers of the Court like these Advocates some time makes so much Jumla and Kand that even common person is unable to understand from whom to seek justice and how to follow the rule of law. When victim, informant, complainant, accused approached Advocate to take their case to give them justice, some Shady Black Sheep Advocates which are making the legal profession worst than border line prostitution as they make the legal profession as Business of their authority.

One Lady Advocate Hiran Chandrakant Jadhav practicing at Sessions Court, Mumbai and at High Court of Bombay got the case of one Bail matter of one person named Ishwar Naidu who is at the Thane Prison and his wife handed over authority to this Advocate and paid her hefty legal fees amounting to Rs. 65000/- this Advocate is aware the case is of Murder and it is not so easy to get bail but this Advocate though filed the application of bail and even Court Judge rejected the bail application on 7.2.2023 before that date this Advocate fraudulently prepared bogus Bail Order dated 22.10.2022 of said accused who is resting in Prison and even she asked the wife of this person to get some more 25000/- as Judge asked through its fraud order to pay said amount as a bail order condition and this Advocate received the said additional 25000 in the High Court, Bombay and she gave all bogus bail order papers to the wife of accused who then taken this paper and submitted at Thane Prison on 29.10.22 and waited for release of her husband from jail, but it was learnt that all the bail order and other papers were forged, fabricated, bogus and this Advocate under the Holy Uniform screwed the happiness of poor family. No doubt this Advocate filed Anticipatory Bail Application for not to get arrest, but Hon’ble High Court taken serious view and rejected her bail and then Dahisar Police who is now investigating the fraud and cheating of this Advocate not yet arrested this Hon’ble Lady Advocate who is running after getting short cut illegal amount after cheating our own clients. Clients are our God we are surviving on their ends. We stands to the pain of our clients. No doubt we are professional not to identify with them but can not fool them.

Another Pune city example of Advocate Sumit Namdeorao Gaikwad created blunder as Pune Anti Corruption Bureau reports that this Advocate came in contact with one lady and 2 persons who were called by local police in some Preliminary Enquiry case with regards to some complaint, though these 3 persons met the concerned police officials at said police station, and thereafter these 3 persons Lady, and 2 persons met this Hon’ble Advocate Gaikwad and asked him to help them to get out of the police hassle, then this Advocate informed them that they need to shell out Rs. 5,00,000 Five Lacs to settle their issue and he promised them their names will be removed from the crime and therefore these 3 persons initially paid him Rs. 150000/- and assured him remaining amount will be paid on next occasion and all these persons then thought to report the crime to Anti corruption Bureau, Pune and subsequently this Advocate got red handed arrest while taking Rs. 20000/- from these persons. What kind of Law officers are these who wear Black Coat and show they are pure and follow the ethics.

Even some Public Prosecutors are also corrupt seeking illegal gratification to help the wrongdoers and not interested to give the justice to the deserving one.

We even witnessed that some Judicial Officers of some court also does not administer justice according to law and even some Judicial officers are not allowing to participate the victim, complainant in the process of administration of justice and therefore recently Supreme Court passed a Public Friendly Judgement Jagjeet Singh & Ors v Ashish Mishra & Anr (2022)9 SCC 321, and directed all the Judiciary in India that the say of the complainant, victim and informant must be taken on record and their say must be heard before passing any order in the Court of law.

We promise you people we strive to remove all these Black Sheep from the Renowned Holy Judicial System and see that Justice is truly delivered to deserving one.

For public interest by Ad. Anil Bugde.

Ad. Anil Bugde
Ad. Anil Bugde
I am Ad. Anil Bugde, Activist Lawyer taking up legal issues concerning larger public interest before the Forum of Public and also before the Court of Law and then mobilizing Human Power Organization to fight against all inhuman and insensitive approach of the mighty people and shady government agencies for the interest of Common Man, and also continuously striving for to see the Rule of Law is existing in the Society.


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