Saturday, March 8, 2025
Homeक्राईम न्यूजDeadly Law of MPDA, Swing against Corrupt Police Officer named Kamley of...

Deadly Law of MPDA, Swing against Corrupt Police Officer named Kamley of Votur Police Station, Poona.

Congratulation and many many lady buck to Dancing Polish Officer of Votur Police Station, Junar, Puney named Api Kamlay who as per sources normally book number of Innocent farmers. labourers /Businessmen/Traders into the Trap of Polish Extortion and now his Reserved Gang started misusing Devil Law like MPDA which is in fact came into force against Gangsters, Extortionist, Mafias and for traitors who disturbed Public Order. but this bloody Kamlay under the guise of Polish Uniform and having a tag of reservation officer, day and night removing the clothes of common people making them to be naked and asking them to dance With Moniy before him just to extort hardened money of common working class. Recently Kamlay booked one person named Naighodi whose case is of selling Alchole Bottles at his Daba located at Dhingore, Kaliyan Naghar High Way run by said Local Traders Naighodi and due to said alleged offence Kamley treated the acts so serious like it is an Offence of Sedicion and with the help of other similiar kinds of crimiaal cases pending against said Naighodi at Local Court, dancing polish officer Kamlay of Votur Police Station at the instance of Local Politicians and of receiving easy money invoked the provisions of deadly law of MPDA against said Trader Naighodi and very cleverly he sent the Proposal of removing and arresting the said Naighodi from the place of his area and to lodge him behind the bar (Jail) for the period of One Year without getting him right to bail aginst his so called arrest. The Concockted proposal of MPDA sent by Api Kamlay to Sp Pune DasMukh who instead of understanding the Game Plan of Api Kamlay and Gang he mechanically forwarded the Proposal of MPDA to the office of Local District Collectorate. Poona. and then the office of Collectorate Poona as per the legal procedure passed an Order of arresting the said Naighodi under the Devil law of MPDA at the behest of Sp Poona and submitted the proposal of Sp Pune to the office of Home Ministry Special Branch, Mantralaya for its Sanction to proceed against Naighodi, and Home Ministry in return within the time framed of 12 days need to inform to the office of Collectorate that the said Proposal of MPDA is legal or not, and as per the sources after knowing the entire Game Plan of Api Kamley, Home Ministry rejected the said Proposal of arresting the said Naighodi under the acts of MPDA and thereafter Strict Direction were given to the Collectoratre Office to forthwith inform the said person Naighodi must be released from the Jail Custody and hence Pune District Collector intimated the same to the office of Jail Authority, Yeruvda, Poona to release the said Naighodi from the Jail who was in fact as per the sources ILLEGALLY arrested by the hands of API Kamley of Votur Police Station. Really speaking now question of Law and Order has arisen which may lead to issue of Public Order created by such Corrupted Extortionist Polish Officer Api Kamley. Now time has come whether to wait for such Kamley to allow him to perform illegal duty which he does day and night and allowing him to Fcuk our Legal System under the guise of Polish Uniform and tag of reservation promotion and or to take initiate Massive legal action against this Devil Polish Officer and Gang. Matter is in your Court please decide and help one another to Streghen the Legal System and to protect the Rule of Law of this State. For Public Interest by Ad. Anil Bugde.



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