Public Appeal: Hello Mr Bharambe, IPS, Commissioner of Police, Navi Mumbai, Sir, surprised and feel ashamed to inform that
when you were appointed from the post of ADG Law and Order to the post of CP Navi Mumbai, though it is Luck Factor or Lottery not known,
as number of Highly Integrated Police persons does not get Bonanza of Gifts from Face Less principal less moral less insensitive Government, and in order to Make create Modi media hype, your office were made Public Announcement that now the CP office of Navi Mumbai will have Continuous friendly Dialogue with Citizen of Navi Mumbai but we the public spirited persons realised it was a big FIASCO created by simply only after cozy lucretive appoinment, though there are N number of IPS senior most officers are engaged in Public Delivery System are forcefully serving at so called Insignificant Non Cadre post. We have now decided to get info of all the police personnel who are having using what sorts of Communication gadgets such as Mobile Phones etc under the color of Police Uniform which are used to please the dirty Politicians and shady businessmen but your office reluctant to attend the VOICE OF PUBLIC. OUTCRY BY PUBLIC for public interest by Ad. Anil Bugde.
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