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Homeक्राईम न्यूजRape Cases Investigated by the Woman Police Officer, who herself is corrupt,...

Rape Cases Investigated by the Woman Police Officer, who herself is corrupt, to support and allow the Criminal to run from police station even though after his arrest, for getting Anticipatory Pre Arrest Bail from Court.

It is the case of Vashi Police Station, one prosecutrix claimed to be 18 years old was raped by her employer named Kiran Kisan Kate, and he continued the sexual offence for another 10 years upon her even after her marriage, said Kate was giving her threats to kill and thereby she forcefully accept the sexual demand from that employer Kiran Kate. In fact when she lost her ultimate patience not to handle the sexual ill treatment of her employer she decided to take legal action and hence when said employ Kiran Kate came to her shop on 9.5.2024 at 11am at the place called Airoli and then said employer made some unwanted advancement of sexual acts upon her which the girl denied and hence there were some fight, so people gathered and said employee then ran away and came to the Rabale Police Station and then said girl also called her parents and visited Rabale Ps.

Then Sr. PI Shri. Dhumal heard both the parties and decided to take case of outraging the modesty of woman against said employer accordingly FIR No. 0275 of 2024 was registered on 09.05.2024 under section 354 which was recorded against the said employer Kiran Kate but police denied to take case of earlier rape case committed upon her which was the jurisdiction of Vashi Police station, so the girl and her parents were asked to approach Vashi Ps.

Thereafter said girl on 25.5.2024 prepared her case and approached the Woman Police Officer Mrs. Pratibha Jogleshkar at Vashi Police Station, who look after cell of Women in Distress and accordingly said woman police officer taken down the verbatum complaint of the victim girl of sexual assault and accordingly her FIR 0286 of 2024 was recorded under section 376, 376 (2) 9 (v) (k), 376 (2) (n) 354, 354 A, 323, 506 IPC. After lodging the complaint victim girl and her family felt accused who residing near by to the police station will be arrested soon and hence they left the police station.

Thereafter vashi police officials carried out medical examination of the victim girl at Navi Mumbai Municipal Hospital.

Then on 10.05.2024 at about 12.30pm the Woman Police Investigation Officer Mrs. Pratibha Joglekar and her 2 police staff along with police van and its driver came to arrest the accused from his section 9 office, Vashi fortunately at that time number of persons were gathered and even the parent of the victim girl were going after from completing their work at Fr Agnel Sports Centre from the said road to their near by Juhugaon residence. And hence they have seen that said Lady Police officer Mrs. Joglekar and 2 police officials were arrested the accused Kiran Kisan Kate from his shop and then for his arrest said lady police officer asked accused to inform about the arrest to his wife or family members so after intimation to the accused wife, she suddenly reached the spot and then all them went to Vashi police station in the police van which was reached within 10 minutes.

Thereafter as the accused Kiran Kate and his wife realized that his husband is arrested so she on the cell phone of her husband 9892223039 made call on 1.07pm on 10.6.2024 to Ad. Anil Bugde on his cell number 9821366824 as she was informed by said Police Officer that Ad. Bugde had helped this victim family to file their complaint, at that time at 1.07pm wife of the accused used the cell phone of her accused husband and she informed Ad. Anil Bugde that her husband is arrested by Vashi Police Station and he has been kept behind the lock and she wish to settle the case with victim girl hence Ad. Bugde informed her she has to discuss the issue with victim and her family and further he said that the if any settlement is required to be done same can be done at the Court but not at police station.

Then to my surprise when I myself and father of the victim girl visited Vashi Police Station at 9pm on 10.06.2024 at that time when we met the Investigation Officer of the case said Mrs. Pratibha Joglekar she said blunder saying she has not arrested the accused and in fact called his wife for talk, so quickly we realised the said Woman Police Officer Smt. Pratibha Joglekar had taken heavy bribe from the accused Kiran Kate for not showing arrest in crime. Hence I have informed the entire incident to the Commissioner of Police Shri. Milind Bharambe but before any action was taken said Police Officer was transferred to Mumbai Police.

Due to loose and high handed approach of the police how the victim girl will get justice from police and in fact all criminal will be encouraged to commit more crime, on account of allowing escape of the accused from police station said accused Kate on the next day had filed Anticipatory Bail Application on 11.06.2024 at Belapur Sessions Court and was protected for long time and then when all old officers who were involved in cultivating the crime of corruption in the police station were transferred and then new police officer named Shri. Manik Nalawade who had taken the charge and then upon only pressure of CP office the accused came to arrested on 27.6.2024 and then he was put behind the bar and thereafter accused preferred regular bail on 30.7.2024 and then within the span of 5 dates hearing accused was granted bail on 13.8.2024. The case was granted by Court not seeing the entire facts of the case as number of facts were not presented to the Court.

Now we the public of this state is having extreme anguish feeling against such Lady Police Officer Pratibha Joglekar who as per the law is being appointed to welfare of Women in Distress and such lady Office Pratibha Joglekar just for getting few illegal money from the hands of corrupt, insane and inhuman persons who with utmost selfishness had spoiled the life of young girl, who was helpless at that time to get the job to survive and support her family. Raise the Voice at every nook and corner against such corrupt police officer.

The very devil fear Lady Police Officer after registering the case of Victim Girl who was sexually assaulted by her employee for the over period of time, just showed some mechanical feeling towards the family of the victim and smoothly played into the lives of their sentiments and helped the Devil Accused employee who squeezed the happiness of young girl over the period of 10 plus years and when the accused criminal was to be arrested and put into the police lock up this very Lady Police Officer showed some Nautangi to arrest the said accused and after their settlement allowed the accused to enjoy his liberty to commit some serious offences and was encouraged to get Pre Arrest Bail from the Belapur Sessions Court. The said lady officer Mrs. Pratibha Joglekar after doing this Justice Drama to the victim girl and after 2/3 days this Dashing Nautagi Trade Mark Police Officer was Promoted as Police Inspector who can head the Whole Police Station. God knows what will be the state of affairs of the lives of the people of that section.

We the public spirited citizens felt there may be some more same type of corrupt police officers who are also using the said trick of helping the accused criminal which are not visible, so dear friends let our action and hammer must put upon all such delinquent police officers.

We still salute number of upright no non sense police officials in the Police Force who have retired with great humiliation just on account of their NO Compromise Nature with politicians and subjects. Now Let Commissioner of Police, Navi Mumbai Shri. Milind Bharambhe one of the most upright police officer can direct the investigation in the present case of the the dereliction of public duties and commission of crime committed by his police personnel who despite of the arrest of the accused in heinous crime of Rape was mechanically shown arrest and allowed him to get Pre Arrest Bail and made the Mockery of Law. For public interest by Ad. Anil Bugde.

Ad. Anil Bugde
Ad. Anil Bugde
I am Ad. Anil Bugde, Activist Lawyer taking up legal issues concerning larger public interest before the Forum of Public and also before the Court of Law and then mobilizing Human Power Organization to fight against all inhuman and insensitive approach of the mighty people and shady government agencies for the interest of Common Man, and also continuously striving for to see the Rule of Law is existing in the Society.


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