Hello Corrupt Public just because of you who are entertaining corrupt Public Servants to do your official work against following legal recourse and then these public servants are growing their corrupt officers communities through out the Nation. In contrast to the reality our bloody dirty politicians it may of Mody Sarkar/ Gandhi Sarkar/ Thakre Sarkar/ Pawar Sarkar who simply making you fool of giving timely announcement when the election is on the corner saying let their be Corruption free India. But friends just forget it our these dirty Politicians wont protect the nation it will be protected by you lawful citizen who hard core Honest, Disciplined and dying spirit to raise Image of India as clean corruption free Nation.
We have started cleaning the dirty corrupt system making all possible effort to expose all sorts of Corrupt Public Servants. But surprisingly in the Temple of Justice public prosecutors are the group of public servants who represents the Victim persons who are lawfully lodging their FIR in the respective police station against any injustice caused upon them. And when the time comes up for conducting the Criminal Trial the complainant victim informant has to solely rely upon the Public Prosecutor. Time and again it has been revealed that these Public Prosecutors and Police Karkuns appointed by respective police stations are hand in glove with defense lawyer and conveniently help the accused rapist murderer robbers and at the end the case of the Complainant Informant comes to an end with the result of Acquittal of the accused. Poor fellow Complainant does not have voice to say anything against Corrupt Public Prosecutor. Now for this serious issue Supreme Court of India comes for the rescue of the Informant Complainant and now they can engage Advocate of their choice to represent their case in the Court without the permission of the Public Prosecutor.
Recently we have come across of Massive Corrupt Practice being played in the Court at the office of Public Prosecutor situate at Belapur Court, Navi Mumbai and at Sessions Court office of Additional Public Prosecutor Rajgurunagar, Pune and through proper procedure laid down by Prevention of Corruption Act these Additional Public Prosecutors were nail down and made small effort to give voice of the case of the Informant Victim.
Today on 26th October 2023 through the strong support of public will one of the victim persons happened to be the Police Officials sustained shock as he came across the Additional Public Prosecutor named Sunil Baburao Savant attached to District Court Palghar is in habit of extorting easy money from the victim and from the hands of accused and hence when he was asked to pay bribe for his legal work pending at Court, the complainant followed the law and then the officials of Anti Corruption Wing of Thane Range laid the proper trap and arrested the corrupt Additional Public Prosecutor at the Court. Great work done by public spirited citizen.
We hereby appeal to the honest citizen of this State be careful do not invite trouble of entertaining any sort of corrupt Public Servants it may be policeman, court staff, municipal staff, hospital staff, school teachers, mantralya staff or all sorts of public servants and be brave to handle your work legally. You will get result if you pursue honestly and steadily.
for public interest by Ad. Anil Bugde.