Thursday, March 6, 2025
Homeक्राईम न्यूजPrime Minister Visits House of Chief Justice to perform "Ganesh Aarti" speculation...

Prime Minister Visits House of Chief Justice to perform “Ganesh Aarti” speculation in social media has been created of PM and CJI nexus?

On the day of Ganesh Chaturthi, it has been informed that Chief Justice of India invited Prime Minister to his official residence to perform Ganesh Pooja and Aarti and the said Pooja and Aarti has been extensively shown on the social media to understand the affairs of the highly placed persons of this nation. Recently former Judge of Patna High Court Ad. Mrs. Anjana Prakash who after her retirement as a High Court Judge is practicing law at Supreme Court who made a statement before the public that,” the acts of the Chief Justice was so uncomfortable that it hits the secular nature of the Constitution of India, CJI should uphold the secular nature of the Constitution and further she said Chief Justice had allowed the speculation that our secular nature of the Constitution of India is getting further disturbed.” Now there is serious public outcry in the minds of the citizen of this nation that whether the acts of the CJI to invite PM for his personal event to perform Ganesh Pooja at his official place of residence is really serious threats to the secular nature of the Constitution of India. Whether the facts of the acts of speculation inviting PM at his residence for Ganesh Pooja is really amounting to have threats to the secular nature of the Constitution of India is only need to be addressed by CJI, as the group of people bound to see the earlier Judgements which were delivered by the CJI Bench like struck down of Article 370 in J&K etc. which may have been benefitted to the office of PM and his party. So we the people of this nation strongly feel that now the office of CJI must come forward before the Court of Public and shall organize the Public Press Conference and shall inform the entire nation that Constitution of India is not in danger and he CJI is is duty bound to uphold the Secular nature of the Constitution of India and shall not spare any one including the office of PM or other wasted interest group to malign the office of CJI with the help of speculative social media video of PM doing Aarti of Ganeshjee at his residence.

The issue of inviting the PM for Ganesh Darshan and Puja by the private office of CJI at his residence is comes under the Code of Conduct set out by the Supreme Court, as the Supreme Court in their Full Meeting of Judges (Full Court means presence of all the Supreme Court Judges) it was decided and made the code of conduct on 7th May 1997, and in that Code of Conduct, in the 6th Code of Conduct out of 16 codes which stated that “A Judge should practice a degree of aloofness consistent with the dignity of his office” So when such Code of Conduct was set out by the Supreme Court then why it is not implemented by the CJI, whereas the said Code of Conduct is every day need to be followed by the All the Judiciary of India. And further more even CJI being a Doctor in Constitution of India is well aware that in the Article 50 of the Constitution of India it is express provision mentioned which state that State has separated Executive and Judiciary completely then how such a private event was so glorified in the Public Domain.

We salute earlier Supreme Court Judges like Justice Joseph, Justice Chelameswar, Justice Lokur, and Justice Gogoi who in the solidarity to uphold the democracy organized Public Press Conference on 18th Jan 2018 at the official residence of Justice Chelameswar and raised the issue that Administration of the Supreme Court was not in order and also raised the issue of the case concerning the death of Judge B. H. Loya who was conducting the criminal trial of Sohrabuddin found dead and in that case as per the reports that the prime accused was Amit Shah—Gujarat’s minister of state for home at the time of Sohrabuddin’s killing, and the Bharatiya Janata Party’s national president at the time of Loya’s death. And the said case was assigned for hearing before Junior Supreme Court Judge rather than before Senior Supreme Court Judge. We now are eagerly waiting to see for when and what Mahurat our CJI will take the call of the nation to clear the mess committed in the matter. For public interest by Ad. Anil Bugde.

Ad. Anil Bugde
Ad. Anil Bugde
I am Ad. Anil Bugde, Activist Lawyer taking up legal issues concerning larger public interest before the Forum of Public and also before the Court of Law and then mobilizing Human Power Organization to fight against all inhuman and insensitive approach of the mighty people and shady government agencies for the interest of Common Man, and also continuously striving for to see the Rule of Law is existing in the Society.


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