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Homeक्राईम न्यूजContinuous Rape Committed Upon Minor Girl Till The Time Of Her Marriage...

Continuous Rape Committed Upon Minor Girl Till The Time Of Her Marriage By The Sexually Perverted Employer!

In the city of Navi Mumbai, one more Nirbhaya born again who in fact was continuously sexually assaulted for more than 10 years, now came out in public domain to raise her INNER VOICE against her employer who was having age of her father in whose shop she was working from the time of her minor age of 18 years to till the time of her marital age of 26 years, and even after her marriage she was also subjected to cruelty from said said employer.

The case of the victim girl, complainant, prosecutrix is that she was working since 08.04.2013 as a Assistant at one shop situate at Vashi, having address as Shubh Ink, Surgical Store, Basera Co. Op. Hsg. Society, Shop No. 6, Sector 10, Vashi, Navi Mumbai which is of selling surgical goods to Hospitals and patients and said shop belongs to person named Kiran Kisan Kate at that time she was in need a urgent job as she could not complete her schooling due to slow learning capacity and further she was also having migraine issue and then after taking up the job at the said shop, the owner of the shop raised confidence upon her by saying that she is just like of her daughter and he will help her to grow and teach how to do the said business and thereafter as her date of birth is 25.5.1995 and hence on the fateful day of 25.5.2013 the employer Kiran Kisan Kate planned a conspiracy to abuse her sexually hence he bought a cake to celebrate her birthday and during lunch time he gave her the said cake and after consuming the said cake she started feeling of some giddiness and started having some headache and then she thought that it may be due to her routine headache issue and hence when the pain started unbearable she started feeling sleepy and hence asked said Kate that she need to have some rest hence said Kate allowed her to have rest and can sleep inside the shop premises where some vacant place was having to take rest near to the Washroom area.

The victim girl further states that thereafter said Kate came near to herself and started enquiring about her pain and he then started pressing her head showing some fake concern and then slowly slowly when he realized that the victim girl was not in a position to resist or defend, then he started using his hands to rub her body and then he touched her private parts of the body and then thereafter he took her inside the washroom and removed all her cloths and had a sexual intercourse with her till the time she was not able to respond against the said sexual attack and later on when she regain conscious she had realized that she was without her cloths and sitting in the bathroom, she then started shouting against her plight and then said Kate came near to her and informed her that he had a sexual intercourse with her and taken all the nude photographs and also is having video recording of the actual sexual acts with her as he said he liked her so much. After knowing the said facts she started again crying and shouting from the Washroom and then Kate threatened her if she create any ugly scene then he will disclose all the incriminating information to the public and also can lodge a complaint of theft against her and he further said he knew her parent who are working as a sweeper can not do anything, in fact he can kill them through his sources after such threats and fear she kept quite and then wore her cloths and was sitting in the shop with a great shock of her mind and then after some time she left the shop and came to her house.

The Victim girl further says that as her parent comes home at the evening at about 8.30pm at that time she was sleeping and her parent thought she might be tired of her work and hence no talk was held between them and thereafter on next day it was a holiday and on subsequent Monday she did not attend the said job and then on that day afternoon time said Kiran Kiran Kate came to her house and he had a goody talk with her parents and asked them why the Victim girl had not come to work, and when she was asked by her parents why she did not joined the work, as she was unable to explain the sexual assault caused by said Kate as said Kate already had given severe threats to her life and to the lives of her parent and hence she simply said not well and will joined the work on the next day.

The victim girl thereafter along with her parents attended the job of said Kate and then she came to know that said Kate is having age of her father and having a girl and son of her age and his wife also comes to office to help him, hence under said sign of relief she started attending the office of Kate under continuous threats of sexual assault and said Kate thereafter whenever his wife goes to his home for lunch, he used to put pressure upon the said victim girl and forced her to have sexual intercourse with her at the Washroom, the victim girl under severe threats and to protect her image from society simply kept quite and involuntarily allowed his sexual attack upon her person.

The poor girl further said that said Kate used to take her along with him, to attend some of his clients at APMC Market side and after completing of his work he used to take her at some of his known Guest Houses and again he used to commit continuous rape upon said poor girl on the threat of showing continuous fear of exposure of sexual photographs and videos of sexual intercourse prepared by him.

The victim girl said that Kate kept her under complete control and used to do all the sexual acts as per his wishes since 2013 to the time she was getting married in 2021. Said Kate sexually assaulted her for more than 10 years. He even used to come to her marital home and used to tell her in laws that she was working under him and he taught her how to sell the surgical goods to the public and hence he earned confidence of her in laws, she even could not explain the evil acts of said Kate to her in laws just in view of protecting her marriage and image of her life.

The said Nirbhaya further said that after sustaining such heinous acts of sexual abuse from said Kate, and when she started running her independent shop at Airoli, Navi Mumbai said Kate used to come to her shop on pretext of showing some concern but she used to refused to his help and then on 9.5.2024 when she was dropped by husband at her shop at about 11am said Kate came to her shop and started asking sexual favors from her and then under the threats he started molesting her and after her resistance he assaulted her and when she shouted loudly all the near by public gathered and then he ran away from the place, and thereafter she called her parents and lodged a formal complaint against said Kate of causing criminal force to outrage her modesty at Rabale Police Station. but to her surprise instead of taking Cognizance of her Cognizable complaint on 09.05.2024 the Rabale Police simply registered bogus Non Cognizable Complaint of the victim and let the accused allowed to go to commit more crime upon her.

Then the he victim girl and her parents then contacted the Social Activist Lawyer Ad. Anil Bugde who after proper counselling came to know through the mouth of said girl that she has been subjected to sexual assault since 2013 to the time of 9.5.2024 by the acts of said Kiran Kisan Kate and after proper counselling to the said victim and her parents, Ad. Anil Bugde prepared a detail complaint of the victim dated 23.05.2024 of the sexual assault and offences of outraging of her modesty by the said Kate on 09.05.2024 the Rabale Police then registered her complaint as Cognizable Compliant and recorded the FIR 0275 dated 24.05.2024 against the Kate for the offence punishable under section 354, 323, 506 of the Indian Penal Code. Rabale Ps SrPI asked victim to file sexual assault case at Vashi ps legally speaking they could have filed her Sexual Assault FIR by registering FIR 00 and could have transferred the case for investigation at Vashi ps but Rabale Ps breached the law.

Then on 26.05.2024 the victim girl and her parents came to see Ad. Anil Bugde and asked him as Rabale Police asked Victim girl and her parents to protect her Matrimonial relations from the hands of said Kate who deliberately pollute the minds of her in laws therefore on 26.5.2024 at about 9.19pm Ad. Anil Bugde made a call in the presence of the victim girl and her parents to said Kate and asked him as Rabale Police asked them to make effort to settle the case of the victim girl, if accused not inclined to do then victim girl need to file complaint of sexual assault at Vashi Police Station but the said accused asked them he need to consult their lawyer and thereafter the victim girl and parents decided to take her case to Vashi Police Station.

Finally on the holy day of 7th June 2024 said victim girl, and her parents approached the Vashi Police Station along with her detail complaint of sexual assault and then concerned lady police officer of the Vashi Police Station recorded her statement as per the version of the victim and registered an FIR No. 0286 for the sexual offences committed under section 376, 376 ( 2 ) ( k ) 376 ( 2 ) (n ), 354, 354 A, 323, 506 of the Indian Penal Code. All the offences are severe in nature concerning sexual assault committed upon said victim girl continuously against her will by her employer accused named Kiran Kisan Kate, resident of RH 1, L Row 4, Sector 7, Vashi, Navi Mumbai.

The victim further states that thereafter on 10.06.2024 at about 1.07 pm the accused wife called Ad. Anil Bugde saying that her husband Kiran Kisan Kate is arrested by the Vashi Police Station and brought him at the police station and she and her husband now wants to settle the issue at that time Ad. Bugde asked her to approach the victim family as case is registered and only court procedure will be followed in the matter. Surprisingly when victim girl and her father along with Ad. Anil Bugde came to Vashi Police Station on 10.6.2024 at about 9pm and met the Investigating Police Officer of the said case name Mrs. Pratibha Joglekar who informed them that the accused is not arrested but his wife has brought to the police station as accused was not traceable, in fact on 10.6.2024 after completing the morning duty of the father of the victim girl had seen at about 12.30pm that one police van was parked adjoining to the shop of the accused and accused Kate was in the shop and the Investigating Officer (IO) Mrs. Joglekar and 2 more male police officer were asked said accused Kate to call his wife or family member as they came to arrest him and then after 10/15 minutes the wife and son of said Kate came to their shop and lady IO arrested the said accused Kate and informed the arrest to his wife and took her signature and then they taken the accused Kate to the Vashi Police Station. The victim states that then at about 1.07pm wife of the accused Kate called on the cell phone of his husband and informed Ad. Anil Bugde that her husband is arrested by Vashi Police Station and he has been kept behind the lock and she wish to settle the case hence Ad. Bugde informed her she has to discuss the issue with victim and her family and further said the if any settlement is required to be done same can be done at the Court but not at police station.

Surpringly when Ad. Bugde and father of the victim had gone to see the status of investigation and met the Investigating Officer Mrs. Joglekar and informed her that accused wife called them and when the arrest of the accused was made at that time said IO informed them that the accused is not arrested as when they approached their shop he was not available and hence wife of the accused was brought to the police station for more enquiry. It is absolutely false and malafide approach of the Vashi Police to shield and protect culprit Kiran Kate from his arrest when in fact legally he was arrested by them how and what manner without following the law the said accused culprit was set free by the police. Definitely some settlement had taken between the IO and her team and said culprit Kiran Kate and his family. We need investigation of this high handed approach of the police.

The story of this Nirbhaya does not ends here, after her marriage said accused Kiran Kate with malafide intention developed friendship with her law and then he started slowly polluting their minds against her by saying that said girl had a loving relationship with him and when such things are said by said Kate all the family members started suspecting the behavior of said victim girl and unfortunately after the incident of 9th May which took place at her shop and after lodging complaint against the said Kate, she was asked by her in laws to leave their matrimonial home and hence now practically her marriage is at stake just due to perverse perverted sexual acts committed bythe accused Kate. Now she is waiting for complete justice in her case. I am making appeal to all such victim women who are undergoing such trauma of sexual assault, suggesting to be brave enough to come out to lodge your protest of such severe crime if existing around and so let the devil culprits be booked for their wrongs.

Issued for public interest by Ad. Anil Bugde

Ad. Anil Bugde
Ad. Anil Bugde
I am Ad. Anil Bugde, Activist Lawyer taking up legal issues concerning larger public interest before the Forum of Public and also before the Court of Law and then mobilizing Human Power Organization to fight against all inhuman and insensitive approach of the mighty people and shady government agencies for the interest of Common Man, and also continuously striving for to see the Rule of Law is existing in the Society.


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